Why do I need hearing aids?

Hearing aids can make a big improvement in your lifestyle if you have been diagnosed with hearing loss. Properly functioning aids that meet the target values based on your prescription are very important in helping you hear well. Studies have shown that unaided hearing loss can lead to anxiety, isolation, depression and dementia.
On an average hearing aids last for about 5 years. Depending on the manufacturer, maintenance (regular cleaning) and your hearing loss, your hearing aids could last you longer than 5 years. So here are some important considerations for you to upgrade your aids:
- Are your aids not as efficient as they used to be? In that case it would be important for you to get your hearing tested and the aids re-programmed to the new prescription. In spite of this, if you are having trouble hearing, it is time to get new aids
- Hearing aid technology has improved immensely over the period of time. New platform or processing technology is introduced by the manufacturers every 4 years. So this would be the time to upgrade to new aids and be on par with cutting-edge technology
- If your aids are breaking down because of their age, upkeep and repair becomes more expensive after the 5 year mark. Every time you have to send the aids for repair, you are without hearing help. Getting new aids will save you from such frustration.
- If your hearing has deteriorated further, where the existing aids cannot meet the target/prescription, then it is time to get new aids.
- If your lifestyle/listening environment has changed, example, if you are now in a more challenging working environment, or you are now a caregiver for your parent or spouse, or you have grandkids who you babysit or visit regularly. If you feel that your current aids do not meet these new challenges, it is time to upgrade to new aids
Call us at 248-549-9035 for a consultation with our Audiologist. She will be the best professional to guide you every step of the way in getting you best hearing help.
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